Fraction Standards 4th-Grade: Sample Questions

Addition & Subtraction

4.NF.B.3A - 4.3E | Solve Addition with Equal Denominators


Fraction Strip_Eighths


Use your toolkit to model as needed

4.NF.B.3A - 4.3E | Model Addition with Equal Denominators


Fraction Model

Equation Inputs

Write an equation described by the model

4.NF.B.3A - 4.3E | Solve Subtraction with Equal Denominators


Fraction Model


Use your toolkit to model as needed

4.NF.B.3A - 4.3E | Model Subtraction with Equal Denominators


Subtraction Model

Equation Input: Subtraction

Write an equation that matches the model.

Benchmark & Decompose

4.NF.B.3X - 4.3F | Evaluate the reasonableness of sums and differences of fractions using benchmark fractions


Benchmark Compare Addition_A

Benchmark Compare: Addition

Use your toolkit to model as needed

4.NF.B.3B - 4.3B | Decompose a fraction in more than one way into a sum of fractions


Decompose 5/8 into unit fractions


Menu Bar: Decompose

Decompose Insructions

What fraction of the race has she completed?  

Mixed Number Vocabulary & Conversion

4.NF.3C - 4.3E | Mixed Number Terminology


Mixed Fraction Vocab

Label each fraction type

4.NF.3D - 4.3E | Convert Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number


Mixed Number Input

Write 23/10 as a mixed fraction

4.NF.3D - 4.3E | Convert Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number



Convert Mixed to Improper Text

Addition & Subtraction—Problem Solving

4.NF.B.3D - 4.3E | Problem Solving with Fraction Addition


Jeni ate 6 tacos.

Kade ate 2 tacos and Kami ate 2 tacos.


What fraction of ALL the tacos

did Kade and Kami eat?

Use your toolkit to model all the tacos.

4.NF.B.3D - 4.3E | Problem Solving with Fraction Subtraction


Felicity and Barry cleaned 10/12 of the windows.

Felicity cleaned 6 of the 12 windows


What fraction did barry clean?

Use your toolkit to model it.

4.NF.B.3X - 4.3F | Problem Solving with Benchmark Fractions


Peter ate half a pizza.

Wendy ate 4/12 of a pizza for breakfast

and 3/12 for lunch.

Peter GEL ComparisonWendy

Who ate more pizza?

4.NF.B.3B - 4.3B | Problem Solving with Decomposing Fractions


Bonnie had a box of 12 chocolates. 11 are left.

Bonnie wants to give some to Clyde.

Decompose_Different: Problelm Solving

Write two DIFFERENT ways Bonnie and Clyde

could split the fraction of remaining chocolates.

Model both in your toolkit as needed


Mixed Addition & Subtraction

4.NF.B.3C - 4.3E | Solve Addition with Mixed Fractions


Add Mixed


Use your toolkit to model as needed

4.NF.B.3C - 4.3E | Solve Addition with Mixed Fractions

Model and Equation Input: Addition--Mixed

Write an equation described by the model

4.NF.B.3C - 4.3E | Solve Subtraction with Mixed Fractions




Use your toolkit to model as needed


4.NF.B.3C - 4.3E | Model Subtraction with Mixed Fractions


Model and Equation: Subtraction Mixed

Write an equation described by the model

Mixed Addition & Subtraction—Problem Solving

4.NF.B.3D - 4.3E | Addition Problem Solving with Mixed Fractions


Mrs. Owen split 3 candy bars among 5 students.

Each student ate 1/2 of a candy bar.

Model: Problem Solving

Mixed Number Input

What fraction of candy bar did the students eat total?

4.NF.B.3D - 4.3E | Addition Problem Solving with Mixed Fractions


Yasmine ate 3 1/4 hot dogs. Carlos ate 1 3/4.

Mixed Number Input

How many hot dogs did they eat combined?

4.NF.B.3D - 4.3E | Subtraction Problem Solving with Mixed Fractions


Rosie ran 2 3/12 miles and Eduardo ran 1 1/12

Mixed Number Input

How much farther did Rosie run than Eduardo?

Compare Fractions with Different Denominators

4.NF.2 - 4.3D | Compare to Benchmark Fractions


Compare Fractions with Different Denominators

4.NF.1 - 4.3D | Create Equivalent Fractions



Create Equivalent Fractions

4.NF.2 - 4.3D | Compare Different Denominators


Compare Different Denominators


4.NF.2 - 4.3D | Story Problem: Compare Different Denominators


Story Problem: Compare Different Denominators

Who ate more?

Multiply Fractions

4.NF.4A - 5.3i | Multiply Unit Fractions


Multiply Fractions


4.NF.4B1 - 5.3i | Multiply Non-Unit Fractions


Multiply Non-Unit Fraction


4.NF.4B - 5.3i | Model Fraction Multiplication


Fraction Multiplication Model

Write an equation that represents the model

4.NF.4C - 5.3i | Story Problem Fraction Multiplication



Kim ate 3/4 cup of yogurt each day for 3 days

Mixed Number Input

How many cups of yogurt did Kim eat total?

Model in your toolkit as needed